How To Vape Inline With Your Religion
Chances are if you follow a religion you’ll want to always keep inline of its customs, however as the text’s religions are thousands of years old there is relatively little information to hand about how having a vape fits into them. With so many different and diverse religions out there from Jewish to Muslim, there are several considerations that have to be made to keep properly inline your religion at all times.
But don’t worry as ever the Chief is on hand to help you with all the useful guidance to keep you fully in line of your religion’s expectations regarding enjoy a vape, as with sufficient knowledge and understanding you can successfully eliminate all risk of violating your religion.
How to safely vape as practicing a Muslim
If your religion is Muslim and you want to begin your vape journey as a means to completely stop or cut down on cigarette smoking due to the risks involved, first of all the good new is that enjoying a vape can be entirely compatible with your religion. The primary concern here will be do vape e-liquids meet the halal requirements credibly to be considered “mubah”, so what you want to be checking for is entirely alcohol and pork free e-juices fortunately the Chief caters well for having a vape inline with this religion as none of ours do so take a look at them here.
How to safely vape inline with the Jewish Religion
If you are practising the Jewish religion, there’ll be more than just a few things you’ll have to look out for if you want to vape as well. Following the Jewish religion adds an extra level of complexity when considering your ability to vape, as it is not only a case of having to follow the teachings of religious texts but it also requires you to be apart of a community and follow all its codes, customs, laws and rites. The fact a lot of this is not well defined in the religion leaves a lot of things open to interpretation, so to find out exactly what can be considered a “Kosher” E-liquid we had to do quite a bit of extra research. From interviewing several Rabbis to gain their thoughts on the matter, the big issue was whether nicotine can be considered dangerous which poses a tough ethical question as while it is not physically harmful to the body it is highly addictive so can be considered both ways. No matter whatever your perspective might be you can be glad that Chief of Vapes, offers a wide range of nicotine free e-juices so you can add your own nicotine shots to as you desire if you do not believe it to be dangerous in your stance on the religion, all of them can be found here.
How to vape safely with a Roman Catholic Religion
You might have thought one of the world’s most popular religions would be clearer cut when it comes to simply having a vape, unfortunately for us however this wasn’t the case as it poses yet more conundrums we had do a lot more researching for. In this particular religion the scope for theological questions goes to the extremes, as if Catholics consider their body a temple enjoying a vape would be not recommended depending on the interpretation of harm taken but as liquids provide a safer alternative to more hazardous options that should not be a forbidding issue here. Next the matter of sin also throws up an interesting challenge in this religion, as gluttony can be considered a sin which is possible if you do excessively consume vape liquids but as the vast majority of users don’t vape unless they need to satisfy a craving this shouldn’t be an issue. Then the final question posed by this religion to ensure you can safely vape inline with it confines is how would you justify yourself before God when reckoning day comes, again here the crucial hinge point relates to harm as if it does not harm others and prevent you from doing good there is no reason to abstain so you can vape on happy knowing there’s no serious qualms to worry about if this is your religion.